Pregabalin 150mg
Pregabalin 150mg is used for the treatment of acute pain in the body. The medicine is used to treat the acute pain of a person having posterior spinal fusion before surgical treatment. The medicine helps in treating epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, anxiety disorder and other abnormal pain caused in the body
Pregabalin 150mg is useful for the treatment of acute pain in the body. The medicine is also helpful to treat the acute pain of a person having posterior spinal fusion before surgical treatment. It helps in treating epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, anxiety disorder and other abnormal pain caused in the body. The medicine is also effective to treat nerve pain caused due to diabetes (pain caused by damaged nerves), shingles (persistent pain caused due to rash) or any other injury. It works differently for treating problems in the body. For some people on the contrary, the medicine works fast to help to improve the pain as early as in the first week.
The medicine is a gabapentinoid that acts by inhibiting calcium channels. Pain from damaged nerves can cause numbness, pain, itchiness, burning or tingling sensation. Moreover, the medicine works in the brain by decreasing the chemicals responsible for pain. The medicine can be normally mixed with other medicines for better results. In some cases, the medicine is also responsible for affecting fertility in men. The medicine is most effective and is safe for the treatment.
Take Pregabalin 150mg as per prescription by the doctor. You can take the medicine with or without food. The intake of medicine should be consistent daily. Use the medicine with measuring device if taking liquid medicine. Avoid alcohol consumption with medicine.
Equally spilt the dose of the medicine for the day. The dose of the medicine should be taken with juice or water. The medicine should not overdose as it can cause allergic reactions. Do not use the medicine after the prescribed time.
Pregabalin 150mg is not useful for a person having allergic reactions in the past. A person having kidney as well as liver problems should not use the medicine. Avoid medicine from children and pets. The use of the medicine should be done under a doctor’s prescription.
Side effects
- Headache
- Constipation
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Swollen body parts
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